Evening Storms

Evening Storms

After leaving the stormy Midway Geyser area we proceeded to the famous Old Faithful Geyser. Upon arriving we noticed a large crowd gathered around the geyser, signaling the eminent explosion of scalding hot water. As we waited to see Old Faithful be faithful the storm we just left found us again. With rain and crazy clouds surrounding Old Faithful the geyser began to erupt with all its power. Once the activity at the geyser died down we headed to some shops and had a nice dinner. During dinner we decided to leave the park and try our luck for lodgings down in Jackson, WY. As we were leaving the park we stopped at the Kepler Cascade overlook and took in the view. After a couple hour delay, major car accident near scaup lake, we finally entered into the land of the Grand Tetons. Even with the clouds to the West the stormy sunset made quite a scene. As darkness set in we continued to Jackson and eventually found a place to stay overnight.