Tag Archives: Eldorado Canyon State Park

Splendid Eldorado

Splendid Eldorado
Having a scheduled day off of work today, my fiancee and I decided to do an early morning hike at Eldorado Canyon. Located just South of Boulder, CO the mouth of the Canyon has numerous trails that lead to tremendous vistas and grand scenery. We...

Autumn Changes

Autumn Changes
After work this afternoon, I went to one of my favorite local gems Eldorado Canyon state park. Located just South of Boulder, CO this canyon is often overlooked but is a great destination for all nature lovers. One of my main reasons to going to...

Cold Day

Cold Day
As the first major snowstorm cleared out last night it left a hefty dumping of snow and extremely frigid temperatures this morning. Hoping to capture the fresh snow I awoke earlier than normal and ventured out. The temperature in my Jeep read 16F...

First Snow

First Snow
The first major snowstorm of the season hit late last night and early today. Having the urge to capture the fresh snow I brought along my camera gear today with the hopes of taking some photos. With a rather light workload today I decided to...

Gold Canyon

Gold Canyon
Early this morning I drove into Eldorado Canyon to see how the Autumn colors were fairing. The colors were pretty good compared to the last few years and luckily the ever present wind in the canyon didn’t down all the leaves yet. Taking a few...


Had another early morning and another amazing sunrise! Although its tough waking up so early, the rewards are always worth it! Once again I caught the sunrise in Eldorado Canyon alongside the roaring waters of South Boulder Creek. Hopefully I’ll...

Hazy Morning

Hazy Morning
After spending most of Saturday working on the website, I had the itch to capture some new images this morning. With the sunrise happening earlier and earlier these days, waking up to catch it is becoming much tougher. My Father and I arrived at...

Spring Fog

Spring Fog
As I struggled to fall asleep late last night I decided that I’d wake up early and catch the sunrise. With dense fog this morning I was hoping for some amazing conditions in Eldorado Canyon State Park. But unfortunately the fog was so dense that...

Eldorado Afternoon

Eldorado Afternoon
On my way home after work today I decided to check on the Autumn colors within Eldorado Canyon. I arrived just in time before the sun set over the mountains. I had about 15mintues of light to work with and what a great way to end the work day!

Eldo Morning

Eldo Morning
Before work this morning I decided to wake up a tad bit earlier than normal and head to Eldorado. As I entered the mouth of the canyon the winds picked up to a sustained gust. I started out by hiking around the stream beneath the bridge and then...